Sunday, October 17, 2010


1. After studying 21st century media for eight weeks in this class, what have you learned?
This is an awfully broad question Dubiya

Iv learned that blogging is the way of the future. Each new medium for news lasts until something better comes along. Radio to TV, News paper-News website. Movies to Netflix.

2 What is the most important thing you have learned about yourself as a critical reader, a writer, and a thinker in this class so far?
That i need to improve my reading speed and my writing style. I am a very slow reader. It takes me 3 or 4 views of a video to be able to read all of the text in it. Writing wise I need to remember to cite sources.

3. Whats one thing you would do differently this first half of the semester if you were to take this class again?
I would put more of an effort to use the class blog and to keep up with the blog posts. Maybe analyze the reading a little more.

4. What's one thing you would like me to do differently this first half of the semester if you were to take this class again.?
Less blogging, but this is a blog heavy class maybe increase the amount of media meditations and lower the blogging requirement of reading.

5. Please comment on the usefulness of the power tools, our course blog, your personal blog, our in-class quizzes, our films and our book(s) as learning tools.

The quizzes are great for applying what we learn to real life current affairs and media. The powertools are gods gift to man enough said. The text book is awesome because it is so new with its info. I have never used a text book that was so current. The class blog is less useful. I know its important but i never read it, I find blogging very tedious and boring in all honesty. I do recognize its importance for the new professional generation going through college Being tech savy is a must for every young professional. the films are great especially in conjunction wi the power tools. Its an excellent critical thinking exercise.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blogging here, Skyler.

    So glad the course seems to be working for you!

    We blog the chapters so I know that you've learned something and have internalized some useful information. Does that make sense?

    Bravo, and audeamus,

    Dr. W
